Assertiveness Skills

“How to say NO when you don’t want to say YES” – this seems to be one of the biggest dilemmas plaguing many of us throughout our life! The main reason behind this is our own irrational beliefs vis-à-vis certain (difficult) situations we face almost on a daily basis.

Assertiveness Skills Training Program

By participating in the one-day "Assertiveness Skills" workshop, attendees will grasp the concept of assertiveness and how it distinguishes from other related behaviors. They'll also be guided through a systematic process to cultivate assertive behaviors, including the art of confidently saying "NO" without any guilt. Additionally, post-training mentoring and support will be provided to ensure participants can seamlessly integrate these skills into both their personal and professional worlds.

Target audience for Assertiveness Skills

  • Team Leads.
  • Project Managers.
  • Program Managers.
  • Aspiring Managers. 
  • Change Managers.
  • Directors
  • CXOs
  • HR Managers
  • Functionaries at all Organization level


There are no prerequisites or eligibility criteria to take up this training. The ideal batch size for this training would be 15-20 participants.

Exam format

There is no exam format for this course.

Key Features

  • Expert trainers with rich organizational experience.
  • Instructor-led Assertiveness training with multiple training delivery modes.
  • Real-time case studies and activities to gain hands-on practice.
  • Guaranteed to Run batches spread across time zones.
  • Course completion certificate provided.

Upcoming schedule

Assertiveness Skills

Course Outline

  • What IS “Assertiveness”
  • Your Assertiveness Inventory
  • Characteristics of an Assertive Person
  • Your Beliefs vis-à-vis Assertiveness
  • Understanding & working with your Value System
  • Developing Assertive Behaviour
  • How to say “NO” when you don’t want to say “YES”
  • Bill of Assertive Rights
  • Action >> Results
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